MDS Updates: Sept. 2020

Beginning, October 1, 2020, MDS version 1.17.2 will be instituted. Updates include assessment changes that will support the calculation of PDPM payment codes for state Medicaid programs and on OBRA assessments when not combined with the 5-day SNF PPS assessment.

  • This will specifically affect the OBRA comprehensive (NC) and OBRA quarterly (NQ) assessment item sets, which was not possible with item set version 1.17.1.
  • Sections GG, I, and J

The updated item sets will not have a revised RAI manual released. As of 9/18/2020, AANAC is reporting 31 states have indicated they will be gathering PDPM data for state Medicaid programs and on OBRA assessments.

Section GG

Items GG0130 and GG0170 headers updated to read “Start of SNF stay or State PDPM”

  • Completion instructions include: If state requires completion with an OBRA assessment, the assessment period is the ARD plus 2 previous days. Complete only column 1.

Section I

Item I0020 instructions for completion are revised: Complete only if A0310B=01 or if state requires completion with an OBRA assessment.

Section J

Item J2100 instructions for completion are revised: Complete only if A0310B=01 or if state requires completion with an OBRA assessment.

Contact your state’s RAI coordinator for item set questions.

CLICK HERE to view the MDS 3.0 Technical Information page.

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