Ten Simple HIPAA Tips

  1. Ensure discussion of PHI (protected health information) is where you cannot be easily overheard. 
  2. ePHI should not be saved on unencrypted devices such as laptops, desktops, servers, USB drives, etc.
  3. When leaving your workstation unattended, logoff or manually lock your workstation.
  4. Computer equipment should not be left unsecured such as in an unattended vehicle or hotel room.
  5. PHI should not be left on a copier or scanner unattended.
  6. Paper PHI should be disposed of properly by shredding.
  7. Keep passwords safe. Do not write down or share your password.
  8. Double check fax numbers and email addresses to ensure you have the correct information before faxing or emailing PHI.
  9. Patient photos or stories require a signed authorization prior to taking or using. Authorization forms can be obtained on the Reliant portal.  
  10. Report suspected HIPAA violations to your supervisor or the company privacy officer.  Reliant employees may contact their Privacy and Information Security Officer at privacy@reliant-rehab.com.