CMS Nursing Home Stakeholder Call on 2/22/23

On February 22, 2023, CMS held a Nursing Home Stakeholder Call as part of a series of calls prior to the end of the PHE on May 11, 2023. Topics discussed included the following:

  • End of the Qualifying Stay and Benefit Waiver – The qualifying hospital (3-day) stay and benefit period (100-day refresh without the 60-day wellness) waivers will end on 5/11/23. Clarifying examples provided indicated waiver application may be applied for qualifying patient whose stay begins on or before 5/11/2023. Stakeholders were reminded that CMS is unable to extend these waivers beyond the PHE, any permanent solution would have to be implemented by congress through legislation.
  • Billing of vaccines under Part B – Billing of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies during a Part A stay under the guise of consolidated billing and excluded under the bundle and billed under Part B will be in effect until June 30, 2023.
  • Vaccination requirements and reporting – Staff vaccinations (primary series only) will continue to be required until 11/5/24 and reporting of vaccinations under NHSN must be completed until 12/21/24.
  • COVID-19 testing requirements – End when the PHE expires; however, nursing homes are still going to be expected to test per CDC standards for infection control and prevention.
  • Staffing study – Data is still being collected and analyzed on the staffing study. CMS is currently reviewing the data to determine what policies will be implemented.  CMS reiterated stakeholders will have ample time to provide feedback on any proposed changes.